Saturday 15 August 2015

We are going to talk today about Alpona (Bengali rangoli art) and the beautiful childhood memories associated with itJ.

Alpona is a traditional decorative art form that has been traditionally been practiced by women in Bengal. The designs are traditionally
created as motif based floor paintings using rice flour mixed with water. The designs are applied drawing surface using cotton dipped
in thick rice flour slurry. One can also use maida flour (all-purpose flour) for the same.
Alpona is mainly drawn in Bengali tradition during Lakshmi puja. People believe that it brings good fortune
to our homes. Alpona can also be seen in Bengali homes during marriage ceremony or another festival.
Apart from these it is also seen on the walls of mud huts of rural people as a part of decorating their houses.

Alpona -with Dhaner Chhora  

Picture Source- Internet

আলপনা  হচ্ছে বাঙালিদের বিশেষ একপ্রকার সাজাবার উপযোগী চিত্র। যা তৈরি করা হয় ময়দা বা চালের গুঁড়োর মধ্যে
জল মিশিয়ে। এটি আঁকা হয় মেঝের মধ্যে। তুলা বা পাতলা সুতির কাপড়ের টুকরো নিয়ে এর মধ্যে ভিজিয়ে এই চিত্র
আঁকা হয়।
আলপনা প্রধানত দেওয়া হয় কোজাগরী লক্ষ্মী পূজার দিন। মানুষের বিশ্বাস ঘরে সৌভাগ্যের উদয় হয়
আলপনার ছোঁয়ায়। মা লক্ষ্মীকে বরণ করে নিতে এঈ আলপনার ব্যাবহার সুদূর অতীত থেকে চলে আসছে। লক্ষ্মী পূজা
ছাড়া বিয়ে বা অন্য উৎসবেও আলপনা আঁকা হয়।
তাছাড়াও গ্রাম দেশে ঘর সাজানোর জন্য বাঁশ বেতের ঘরের মাটির দেওয়ালে আলপনা আঁকা হয়।

Alpona -with Floral theme and Shankho (conges/ shells)

Picture Source- Internet

During our child hood days, the children of our locality would plan new design for the Alpona (decorative floor art) for Laxmi Puja every year at their home. There was no internet in these days, and we all had our original ideas or we would take ideas from the Alpona we have seen before.
Children were always encouraged to draw the Alpona, the Puja and other rituals were done by the elders. As children, we too used too used look forward to this art display and we had the entire floor space of our home as canvas! J We would start from the entrance door and lead the Alpona to all rooms and finally to the Puja room where the ritual was to be done.  
I would draw continuous thin pattern along the floor, supposedly denoting paddy crop strands (called dhaner chora in Bengali) and have larger flower or other pattern at intervals and imagine these flowers to be the resting place for the goddess Laxmi while walking along the dhaner chora!J Laxmi puja is generally done in the evening, and thus, we would complete the Alpona quite before sunset so that we friends have time to visit each other’s’ homes to review the Alpona designs. How nice and beautiful those times were.

Yes, truly, our childhood was filled with imagination and playing outdoors! J

We give Alpona during Dussera too, the day goddess Durga leaves for her home. It is said that the Alpona depicting the feet of Maa Durga should be little bigger than those of goddess Laxmi. There are some standard motifs of Alpona for the traditional Puja rituals. During, marriage and other ceremonies, it is usually circular and commonly on floral themes.
The beauty of Alpona is it being a beautiful tradition and its simple application; and of course an art and expression!


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