Wednesday 3 June 2015

Sprouts – Making Sprouts at Home

Type: Health Food – Good for: Eyes and helps in improving Memory  
Eaten: Raw, in Salads, Cooked as Dal, Tadka dal   

Sprouts with Green Lentils (whole green Mung Daal)

With fast changing food habit and easy availably of all kind of food as ready /ready to eat, we at times miss out on having essential greens in our daily food diet…
Greens are essential for children’s nutrition as well as adult’s health. Having Sprouted moong is one simple way to add food value to our everyday diet. Just have it every day , like in the morning after brushing your teeth and having your regular glass of water. This is a habit with which we grew up, and we are just trying to continue it J
And the best part is, you Simply make them sprout at home!!
I  remember one of my close friends from office once mentioning that the sprouts should be checked before eaten, as, in one instance, the ready sprouts she had got from the supermarket turned out to be un-fresh!
I had taken sprouts- salad that day to office along with roti and vegetables. She was very happy to know that I sprouted them at home, and told me to stick to this habit  J

For Sprouts - You Need: 2 or 3 tsp whole green moong (green lentils) and 

1.   Take 2 or 3 tsp whole green moong (whole green lentils)
2.   Wash them and soak them in water
After about 12 to 14 hrs, moong gets soaked and softens.
3.   Drain the water and wash the moong once agsin to prevent any chances of developing odour.
4.   Keep it covered for anither 10 to 12 hrs, and you have spouted moong J

Its basically a 24 hrs cycle. I soak the moong everyday in the morning and have the sprouts next day..even on working days, its our routing to sart our day with a glass of water and a spoon full of sprout. Then we go to start our morning tea and the run for the day J

Its a lovely ingredient in Salads, not only enhancing its food value but its look too. Sprouted greens look lovely J.
It can be eaten as we wish, raw with sprinkled salt, in salads, or boiled as in Dals and Tarka dals. An easy way to add green food ingerdeint in children and adult meals alike, it can be a part of our everyday menu.

অঙ্কুরিত মূগ

এটা একটা খূব সহজ এবং স্বাস্থ্যকর খাওা গোঁটা সবুজ মূগ সকালে জলে ভিজিয়ে রাখুন বিকেল বা সন্ধ্যের পর ভীজে ঊঠলে জল ঝড়িয়ে আবার ধুয়ে ঢেকে রাখুন পরদিন সকালে মূগ অঙ্কুরিত হয়ে ঊঠবে
 এটা প্রতিদিন সকাল খালী পেটে , এক গেলাস জল খেয়ে, খাওা খুবই ভালো

সালাদ এটা দিলে স্বাদ  বারে আর সালাদ আরও পুষ্টিকর হয়ে ওঠে কাঁচা না খেলে শেদ্ধ করে নুন দিয়ে,বা যেমন ভাল লাগে, ঘুগনি বা দাল, নানা ভাবে খাওয়া জায়

বাচ্চাদের সবুজ স্বাস্থ্যকর খাবার এর তালিকা তে এটি একটি সহজ খাওয়া যেটা নানা ভাবে সুস্বাদু করে খাওয়ানো যায়; এবং বাচ্চা বর, শবার পছন্দের খাওা হয়ে ওঠে  J


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